Cybernight 2023 - DoctoLeak
Je dois trouver le numéro de sécurité sociale du Patient 0 !
C’est une question de vie ou de mort…
MEDIUM - 100 points
- Author: Sysdream
Write up
The first interesting thing I found looking to the website was the link as the bottom: Check our API
Which leads to a /graphql page. At this point, I was sure it was all about exploiting some confidentiality issue in a graphql query.
Using the book from Hacktricks I was able to run some Introspection inside Burpsuite repeater.
I recover the schema using query like ?query={__schema{types{name,fields{name}}}}
I could understand that the database stores some doctors, patients, rendezvous, etc.
I tried to directly query the patient with id:0 with ?query={patient(id:0){ssn}}
but it returns an UNAUTHORIZED error, because we were not authenticated.
A mutation signIn exists, avec Doctors have a password field, so maybe we could manage to recover a password? I did not succeed in this way.
However, if we take a closer look at the Doctor type:
A doctor possessed id, a firstName, but most importantly: a list of patients
Through a Doctor query, we can possibly manage to search for patients ssn.
Happily (or not?) this complete request was availible on PayloadAllTheThings, using a projection attack.
We use an option inside a list of doctors, to search for patients.ssn:
Here is our first leak! I could not manage to attach the id of the patient with the ssn, it returned the error Cannot return null for non-nullable field
However, our previous request contains that data at the bottom:
The ssn was the one we were looking for.