The Shakespearean Mouse
BackdoorCTF 2023 - The Shakespearean Mouse
wend f’rward with this quest of yours, f’r thee shalt findeth the flag at the endeth Attachments:
496 points
- Author: cy4n1d3
Write up
The Shakespearan Langage
Inside the zip file we got two files: out.bmp, and The Backdoor Lore containing only text, at first sight, the script of drama play.
I rapidly think of a so of esoteric language, like Poetic or Whitespace, which are programming languages hidden in sor of “normal” text.
By searching for “Shakespeare” in this wiki, we go that page. There is indeed a language called like this, and it looks really similar to ou text file:

We then search for an online compiler or interpreter, and get on that website for example. It allows us to run the program in live:
Output text:
Hey guys i hope you loved shakespearean english, i always did. Anyways here is the password you might need, ohh not easily 4f440a001006a49f24a7de53c04eca3f79aef851ac58e460c9630d044277c8b0. Use it well ;)
The password
We then get that password 4f440a001006a49f24a7de53c04eca3f79aef851ac58e460c9630d044277c8b0
, which looks like a 32-bytes hash, as SHA-256.
It is, indeed, a 32-bytes hash, but the output of a less famous algorithm. By looking on the internet the hexadecimal string, we ge that unique page, where we see tha it corresponds to keccak(0xdeadbeef)

The password is: 0xdeadbeef
A password, what for?
This is the moment I went ‘we need to use the image’. It isn’t called out.bmp for nothing, it indicates that it is probably the output of some sort of hiding tool. A tool that can embed data in image, using a password.
The boring step here is to find the right tool. By looking at all “stegano tool” that talks about the “bmp” format, I wasn’t able to find anything.
However, on the CTF Checklist page of Stegonline, I found OpenStego, which doesn’t quote the “bmp” format on its main page. I was searching a tool for another chall, and I found out that it only supports “bmp” and “png” files to embed data, with a password.
With no more surprises, it is the right tool we were looking for:

The Mouse
Since the name of this challenge, we were talking about a mouse. It makes complete sense here.
In the zip file extracted, we found two files: finaldon.rec and instructions.txt The first one is not recognized, and the second one is just boring “shakespeare spoken” useless text.
If we take a look at the hexadecimal header of the .rec file, and its UTF-8 conversion, we find crucial information:

We can get on the website, and download Auto Mouse Recorder. Then we can read the .rec file:

When we play the macro, we see the mouse moving around the top left corner, moving more and more to the right, sometime while maintaining the button pressed.
It is drawing
We can open paint and replay the macro: