
You are mine!

Cybernight 2023 - You are mine!




J’ai réussi à extraire la RAM d’un administrateur de Youaremine !

Aidez-moi à me loguer, je dois modifier quelque chose dans le panneau d’administration !

Trouvez le nom d’utilisateur de l’administrateur sur le site web.

Le flag sera à soumettre sous la forme MALICE{nom_utilisateur}




HARD - 150 points

  • Author: Sysdream


Write up

The very hot fox

We got a dump of a Win 10 machine, and we are looking for web artifacts.

I am going to use volatility3 for this WU, it could possibly be done using volatility2.

using the command windows.pstree.PsTree, we see that firefox is running.

$ vol3 -f dump.ram windows.pstree.PsTree
PID     PPID    ImageFileName   Offset(V)       Threads Handles SessionId       Wow64   CreateTime      ExitTime

4       0       System  0xfa80018ab040  80      622     N/A     False   2018-03-21 15:27:49.000000      N/A
* 248   4       smss.exe        0xfa80020f5990  2       29      N/A     False   2018-03-21 15:27:49.000000      N/A
1864    1824    explorer.exe    0xfa80032a47f0  36      930     1       False   2018-03-21 15:27:57.000000      N/A
* 296   1864    VBoxTray.exe    0xfa8003352920  13      154     1       False   2018-03-21 15:27:57.000000      N/A
* 2012  1864    DumpIt.exe      0xfa8001be0920  6       92      1       False   2018-03-21 15:37:28.000000      N/A
* 2340  1864    firefox.exe     0xfa80021932e0  56      778     1       True    2018-03-21 15:37:04.000000      N/A
** 2024 2340    firefox.exe     0xfa80019bfb30  24      288     1       True    2018-03-21 15:37:08.000000      N/A
** 2784 2340    firefox.exe     0xfa8001b9c060  23      278     1       True    2018-03-21 15:37:09.000000      N/A
** 1676 2340    firefox.exe     0xfa8001919060  23      300     1       True    2018-03-21 15:37:06.000000      N/A

We might probably look into the files firefox stores in the computer, we’ll maybe find some cookies or session data.

Using the windows.filescan.FileScan command, we can filter all the files containing firefox in its path. I already know that it stores lot of data in .db and .sqlite files, both sqlite database format.

We got that result:

$ cat files.txt| grep -i firefox
0x574c9c80      Volume2\Users\user\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.defa 216
0x5759adf0      \Users\user\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\s   216
...       216
0x7fcd9070      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\addons.json       216
0x7fcdee60      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\webappsstore.sqlite       216
0x7fce2c10      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\extensions.json   216
0x7fce5070      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\webappsstore.sqlite-wal   216
0x7fce52d0      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\places.sqlite     216
0x7fce5420      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\places.sqlite-shm 216
0x7fce5570      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\places.sqlite-wal 216
0x7fce56c0      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\webappsstore.sqlite-wal   216
0x7fce5810      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\webappsstore.sqlite       216
0x7fce5f20      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\webappsstore.sqlite-shm   216
0x7fce7070      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\favicons.sqlite   216
0x7fce7dc0      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\favicons.sqlite-wal       216
0x7fd97210      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\places.sqlite     216
0x7fee9a90      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\gmp-widevinecdm\\manifest.json  216
0x7feea480      \Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6k1fhany.default\cookies.sqlite    216

I filtered using only the important files.

My secret username

We can now use the command to dump these files, which is vol3 -f dump.ram windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles --physaddr <addr>

The first useful is places.sqlite which stores the history of the websites visited, which can be opend using sqlite3 or a tool like DataGrip

$ sqlite3
SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 12:14:04
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> .open file.0x7fd97210.0xfa8001ae6ae0.SharedCacheMap.places.sqlite.vacb
sqlite> .open file.0x7fd97210.0xfa8001ae6ae0.SharedCacheMap.places.sqlite.vacb
sqlite> .tables;
Error: unknown command or invalid arguments:  "tables;". Enter ".help" for help
sqlite> .tables
moz_anno_attributes    moz_historyvisits      moz_keywords
moz_annos              moz_hosts              moz_places
moz_bookmarks          moz_inputhistory
moz_bookmarks_deleted  moz_items_annos
sqlite> select * from mos_places;
Parse error: no such table: mos_places
sqlite> select * from moz_places;
11||Login Form|501.03.03.271.|2|0|1|4000|1521640712387000|QXFyrROE90Ww|0|125510699223928||
12||405 Method Not Allowed|501.03.03.271.|1|0|0|0|1521639810249000|VdgiStx2JmZh|0|125510885845080||
13||Découvrez les nouveautés de Firefox|gro.allizom.www.|1|0|0|100|1521640706447000|uPwmEOps9vcr|0|47356943968719|Plus rapide et plus réactif, tout en défendant votre vie privée. Jetez un œil aux dernières évolutions du navigateur qui vous protège.|
14|http://youaremine.ctf:8001/|Login Form|ftc.enimerauoy.|1|0|1|2000|1521645923509000|slQFReqGxzFm|0|125511387997629||
Smart request
sqlite> select * from moz_places where url like '%youaremine%';
14|http://youaremine.ctf:8001/|Login Form|ftc.enimerauoy.|1|0|1|2000|1521645923509000|slQFReqGxzFm|0|125511387997629||

We can now gather information about the website we are looking for :

We could possibly look into the cookies.sqlite, but this does not contain any information about this website.

However, according to the Mozzila documentation, we could search into:

  • key4.db which stores the encryption key for the logins.json, where are stored the encrypted format of users, passwords. We couldn’t manage to find logins.json in the memory, I guess this was not supposed to be recoverable.
  • webappsstore.sqlite which is related to the storing of web application data, using the DOm and not cookies.


This file was recoverable at the address 0x7fce5810. See above.

Doubled file
The file was found twice by volatility. The first one was empty. Furthermore, dumping it gives two files: a .dat, which is also empty, and a .vacb, which was the right one to use.

We could now look into it:

$ sqlite3
SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 12:14:04
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> .open file.0x7fce5810.0xfa8002195010.SharedCacheMap.webappsstore.sqlite.vacb
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> select * from webappsstore2;
Smart request
sqlite> select * from webappsstore2 where originKey like '%8001%';

We can recognize the indicators we spotted above (port used, string and numbers) that confirm this is about our targeted website.

The token is a JWT base64 encoded, a token used for authentification and data exchange between client and server. Decoding it resolves in this:

    "username": "arcticmonkey",
    "exp": 1521649583
🚩 MALICE{arcticmonkey}