
Stranger Case 2023

Stranger Case 2023




Stranger Case is a special CTF in two parts - one online and one in presence - only targeting OSINT and that consists of a big investigation. There are no flag to submit, but reports to submit at the end of each phase.

The first phase was online qualifications, in teams up to 4 people, going over 16h straight - 10am to 02am.

The second one was the end of the investigation, in a form of Hunt in Paris. The 10 best teams of the qualifications had to continue the investigation by interacting with actors and evidences places in the city.

In this article, I will give the report of my team for the first phase, and try to explain what we discovered during the second phase.

Write up

Stranger Case - Online Qualifications


A few weeks ago, an anonymous customer sent us a request for a special investigation.

According to his report, a person by the name of Eric EDURT had gone missing. The man, a prominent CEO of a medical IT company, seemed, according to our customer, to be very disturbed before his disappearance.

The aim of your mission is to uncover the truth and understand what happened to our target.

Using open sources, you will need to gather as much information as possible in order to understand the situation and to be able to intervene physically, if necessary, in the future.

However, if need be, you can contact various people to obtain information. However, you must be very careful not to use false identities.

(It’s also important to point out that you shouldn’t call any of the telephone numbers, with the exception of one, which is clearly indicated as a means of communication on Saturdays. The rest of the numbers do not/no longer belong to the event, so please be careful).

French version


Il y a quelques semaines, un client anonyme nous a transmis une demande d’enquête particulière.

D’après son signalement, une personne du nom d’Eric EDURT est portée disparue. Cet homme, éminent CEO d’une entreprise informatique liée au domaine médical, semblait, d’après notre client, très perturbé avant sa disparition.

L’objectif de votre mission est de découvrir la vérité et de comprendre ce qui est arrivé à notre cible.

À l’aide de sources ouvertes, vous devrez récolter le maximum d’informations afin de comprendre la situation et de pouvoir intervenir physiquement, si toutefois cela est nécessaire, dans le futur.

Toutefois, et si besoin est, vous pourrez prendre contact avec divers interlocuteurs dans le but d’obtenir des informations. Néanmoins, veillez à rester très prudent et à utiliser de fausses identités.

(Il est également important de préciser qu’il ne faut pas appeler les numéros de téléphone, à l’exception d’un, qui est clairement indiqué comme moyen de communication le samedi. Le reste des numéros n’appartient pas/n’appartient plus à l’événement; faites donc attention !)

Report :flag_fr:

Stranger X Hunt

Incoming later…